Emcee and Auctioneer Services
Partner with a Professional Auctioneer and Emcee to maximize your fundraising efforts.

Organizational Effectiveness & Efficiency Evaluations
Being the most effective and efficient organization occurs with wise planning.

When your decision-making processes are taking longer than they should, then Scholar Consulting will provide you the process, direction and facilitation to guide your team to the critical decision-making moment.

Policies and Procedures or Technical Writing
Scholar Consulting works with you to get your brilliant ideas sounding right.

Strategic Planning
Scholar Consulting uses a quick an easy method to get you and your organization on track to success.
Benefits of Hiring Scholar Consulting

Do the ‘ Dirty Work’ & Identity Solutions
From finding the right candidate, to letting go the wrong one go and for doing the boring research.

Provide Objectivity
Provide objectivity on a situation.

As Needed Support
Avoid high costs of using a full time emplpoyee for a part time task. Instead get all the value for a fraction of the cost.

Save Money
You save money on employment taxes since Brent takes care of both sides.
Is this something you have said to yourself recently?
I have so much to do, I just cannot think about developing my followers, let alone myself and build my organization at the same time.
I don’t have time to improve myself so I can have more time to do what I love, instead of just spinning my wheels all of the time
If you said yes to one or both of these then it may be time to bring in a consultant to support you.
Why Hire Scholar Consulting?
Consultants can support an organization or an individual depending on your unique situation. When supporting an organization consultants can be the outside look at everything you are doing, while leaving the emotions at the door.
As an organizational leader, you may be too close to a situation to make a clear decision unless you have a safe place you can bounce ideas off of. It is this same fresh eye that can look at what you are doing and come up with ideas which are staring you in the face.
Hiring a consultant is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength, saying, I need support to be even better than I am.